A file on a USB key is enough to crash Windows
A hacker has found a way to make system snapshots that can instantly bring Windows 7 and Windows 10 to the knees. Oddly, Microsoft does not intend to fix this bug. Good news for little jokers. Security researcher Marius Tivadar of Bitdefender has released a method on GitHub to crash Windows using a simple file. The expert, in fact, found a flaw in the way Windows handles NTFS system images. He found the bug in July 2017 and immediately alerted Microsoft, but Microsoft did not see fit to fix it. To cause the breakdown, it would indeed "physical access or attack by social engineering," writes the company Redmond in an email. In short, it would not be dangerous enough to develop a patch. Still, this bug is extremely simple to reproduce. Simply put the trapped file of an NTFS system image on a USB stick and insert it into a Windows PC. The researcher has published a file of this type on GitHub with a size of 10 MB. If auto-play is enabled, the system crashes immediately, ...